
Urbani Separe

The Association Urban Separe was founded in 2014 in Rijeka with the aim of building and strengthening the capacity of communities through a juicy combination of participation, socially useful activities and culture, so that they can develop and grow independently, using the potential they already have within themselves.
With tactical urbanism, we question problematic areas of the city of Rijeka. Through long-term, layered and participatory methodologies of working with communities, we bring culture and green practices to places and communities where they are truly lacking. In this way, we strive to create sustainable micro-systems for a strong and truly participatory urban development of Rijeka – in all senses.
Our projects have a lasting impact on places, communities and ourselves – they bring positive change and strengthen social solidarity on a micro-level, change public perception of localities, develop audiences, activate communities and strengthen civic initiatives, make culture more accessible and micro-local decision-making tangible and inclusive, encourage personal development and lifelong learning, build a local and international partner network, create active volunteer groups and establish sustainable relations between citizens and formal bodies.

Matera Hub

Materahub manages international pilot projects to support cultural and creative industries, encouraging innovation and inclusion processes and a new entrepreneurial vision to face contemporary challenges.

Materahub organizes several international Capacity Building activities, aimed at meeting and contaminating skills between local and international experts, entrepreneurs and policy makers. These are projects funded by the European Erasmus + programs, Cosme, Interreg, Horizion 2020, etc.

Since 2010, Materahub has been the Intermediary Organization of the European Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs program; since 2014 it is the Italian host of the Creative Business Cup, the only international competition dedicated to cultural and creative industries.

Materahub is a member of the Puglia Creative District and is part of the cluster of Cultural Industries and Creative Basilicata Creativa.

From 2022, Materahub is part of the EIT KIC Culture and Creativity.


IRI has been created in 2006 by French philosopher Bernard Stiegler as part of the Centre Pompidou to anticipate, accompany and analyze the transformation of cultural practices enabled by digital technologies, and sometimes even to contribute to their very emergence. The institute, now an independent legal entity, primarily explores the field of digital studies, in the sense of a new “organology of knowledge” appearing with the digital, which requires specific studies and concepts. More precisely, the institute investigates the field of cultural and cognitive technologies from a digital humanities point of view, which at IRI is considered to be a specific sector of digital studies. IRI aims at participating in the development of new forms, devices and technologies: to address the public, to facilitate contributions and collaborative criticism; to provide solutions for editorial and interconnectivity in the domains of culture and knowledge. To achieve this, IRI both theorize and formalize the relevant technologies and the social practices they induce, as well as develop cultural and scientific applications, especially in and around the museum domain, but also more generally as technologies for amateurs/contributors.

IRI is a platform for reflection and development on the epistemological, cultural and political issues of the digital world closely articulating an international dimension within the framework of the Digital Studies network set up in 2012 ( ) and a territorial dimension with the Plaine Commune Participant Learning Territory project initiated in May 2016 ( IRI has been developing and experimenting with different contributive platforms: Lignes de temps for films and vidéos, IconoLab for photos, for texts in combination with innovative publication formats: videos indexed by categorized tweets (, video mashups, mind mapping (Renkan), video-books, hyper-videos, contributive online courses.

Based from the outset on an original vision of the figure of the amateur and the organology of knowledge, IRI’s research program in Plaine Commune, where tools and practices are experimented, currently articulates theoretical and technological research objects:

  • Parenting, Care and Digital
  • Design of the urban contribution
  • Cooperation, promotion, capacitation
  • Knowledge and technologies

Since the death of Bernard Stiegler in August 2020, IRI has relied for the definition and conduct of its research program on a Scientific and Industrial College and in close collaboration with the Collectif Internation and the Association des Amis de la Génération Thunberg-Ars Industrialis for the development of territories-laboratories of the contributory economy.


Innohub is a Spanish non-profit organization born with the objective of putting together talent, technology, as well as personal and professional development. The NGO aims is to promote entrepreneurship, innovation and training actions, supporting the local entrepreneurial ecosystem and employment market. Together with a special focus on disadvantaged society groups and their economic and social inclusion, innohub believes in the necessity of change in the economic model in order to create a more competitive and value-adding economy, facilitating the necessary tools for our companies and individuals, and in this support of young people to make sure said change is perpetuated in time.

By mentoring and training Innohub supports young people, entrepreneurs and individuals from disadvantage groups facing different factors of exclusion: youngsters and adults with educational difficulties, empowering them and building their entrepreneurial and self-employment skills. With this intention, Innohub develops many activities to help individuals/organisations to reach their objectives offers: o workshops, training, seminars, and networking related to several topics of interest, especially on innovation, personal development, soft skills, career guidance, entrepreneurship, internationalization and financing; o mentoring to disadvantage groups and wannabe entrepreneurs from different backgrounds; In the last years Innohub gained an important experience in EU projects implementation, which has developed a possibility to reach more individuals and organizations that can take advantage from Innohub services.

University of Évora

The University of Évora is a public University organized in 5 Schools: Arts, Sciences and Technology, Social Sciences, Health and human development and Nursing. Research and Development (R&D) covers several scientific areas through a network of 18 Research Units, all of them submitted to international evaluation under the coordination of the Institute for Research and Advanced Studies. Over the last years, the University has fostered a close link with the community. In 2021, the University of Évora created the _ARTERIA_LAB – Arts, Entrepreneurship, Research, Innovation and Application Lab, a creative laboratory dedicated to transdisciplinary experimentation and research. 

At _ARTERIA_LAB new ideas are created and tested at the intersection of arts, science, technology, and design, with the aim of responding to society’s challenges through co-design and participatory processes. _ARTERIA_LAB is also an accelerator for creative businesses, supporting the development of new products, services, and business models. One of the main objectives of _ARTERIA_LAB is the creation and mobilization of transdisciplinary teams at the University of Évora to seek solutions to societal challenges with the involvement of society. _ARTERIA_LAB has progressively focused its action on the city, currently implementing or developing several projects focused on the community and urban regeneration.

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